Oscar Winner Richard Dreyfuss joins our City Summit: Santa Monica!

Los Angeles!! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be sharing a stage with Oscar winner Richard Dreyfuss on November 23-24th! Mr. Dreyfuss is joining an extraordinary line-up of superstar entrepreneurs and inspirational speakers at our regional City Summit: Santa Monica.
Register for free!!
City Summit events are world-class socially conscious business acceleration experiences that help our community learn, grow, and THRIVE. Held year-round and throughout the country, events culminate at the Annual City Summit & Gala on Oscars weekend.
Registration for our regional Summit in Santa Monica is FREE. Join me! Register HERE
Take a look at our exciting roster of speakers. Come Listen, Learn and Meet this group of 7-10 figure earners in a variety of industries at City Summit – Santa Monica:
Richard Dreyfuss (Keynote) – An Academy Award winner for Best Actor seeking to inspire entrepreneurs through his Dreyfuss Initiative. www.thedreyfussinitiative.org
Dr. Sabrina Kay – Founder First Premier Bank, Fremont Investments. Learn how she sold 7 companies for over $3 Billion. www.sabrinakay.com
Berny Dohnmann – Founder of what Forbes and Inc call the #1 “Must Attend” Business Conference year-after-year. CEO Space International. www.ceospaceinternational.com
Youval Ziv – Founder of Pacific Holdings Group which owns and manages over 500 million dollars in Real Estate and Investments. www.pacificholdingsgroup.com
Dale Godboldo – Entrepreneur and veteran actor of the Emmy-winning “The People v. OJ Simpson” founded City Gala’s fiscal receiver, International Arts & Philanthropy Foundation. www.InterationalAPF.org
Christopher Gialanella – The Editor in Chief of Modern Luxury “Angeleno” and “Los Angeles Confidential.” www.mlangeleno.com
Tracy Hazzard – An Inc. Magazine Columnist, branding strategist and the co-host of 4 top-ranked podcasts including Feed Your Brand. www.tracyleighhazzard.com
Brian MacMahon – Founder of Expert DOJO, has consulted and coached in over 35 countries bringing a global perspective to starting and growing a small business. www.expertdojo.com
Chris Salem – CEO and Co-Founder of Empowered Fathers in Action, a 501c3 organization dedicated to strengthening the father – son bonding process. www.christophersalem.com
James Dentley – Founder of NBC University and he is a multiple 7 figure business earner, best selling author and strategist. www.inspired2speak.com
Vicky Shettini – An investment strategist and business educator. www.vickyschettini.com
Alec Stern – A global investor and co-founder of Constant Contact. Which sold for over 1 billion dollars. www.point2pointglobal.com
Bill Walsh – CEO/Founder of the Success Education/Business Coaching & Speaker Training firm Powerteam International. www.ipowerteam.biz
Aaron Young – Owner of Laughlin & Associates and is an entrepreneur with several multimillion-dollar companies under his own belt. www.aaronscottyoung.com
Join me!! Registration is Free… HERE